February 25, 2014

Swirly Polymer Clay Crochet Hook Handle

 A while ago, I tried my hand at beading crochet.  The little hook that I used to crochet is so tiny that you really have to get a good grip. In a couple of hours,  I found my hands would cramp up. I saw some crochet hooks with handles at local craft store, but they were kind of expensive. Why to spend money if I can make my own handles out of polymer clay (I have a lot of left over pieces of different color)

All will need: 
  • Polymer clay in wanted color 
  • Pasta machine (or acrylic roller) 
  • Acrylic (or glass) sheet  
  • Clay Blade or sharp knife
1. Condition 1/16 block of a clay (use any color or just left overs you have). Roll clay through the pasta machine, using the medium setting. Trim the clay with a blade into rectangle. Roll the crochet hook into the clay sheet.
2. Condition 1/8 block of 3 colors of polymer clay until it’s soft and pliable. I used white, orange, and blue. Start  working  from the lightest color. Roll clays through the pasta machine, using the largest setting.  Stack them on each other and trim with a clay blade to make 2”x2” square.
 3. Roll clays through the pasta machine, using the largest setting.
4. Roll the clay into a cane. Reduce the cane. Using acrylic sheet (or just your hands), roll the cane on the work surface until the cane
is about 2 times longer.

 5. Let the clay set and “rest” for 30minutes.
Using a blade, slice a cane into thin (1mm) circles.
 6. Cover all handle with swirly circles trying to place them close to each other.
7. To smooth the surface, slightly roll the handle with acrylic sheet
8. Bake the hook(s) according to the polymer clay packaging instruction.

Using the same method, make striped hook (looks like bacon :) See the method here


  1. What a wonderful idea! I need one like these, my hooks are too thin. Love the colors also. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Great DIY tutorial! I think I'm gonna try it :)

  3. pretty nice blog, following :)
