May 4, 2013

Bubble Birthday Invitation

Today, Anya and I made  Birthday invitations for her Birthday Party.
We decided to make our own one-of-a-kind cards :) Anya was a designer, I was a supervisor and a photographer :)

All you need are:
- white card stock paper (or any thick white paper)
- food coloring
- straws
- bubbles (liquid) 
- small dishes 
- printer (optional)
- scissors or paper trimmer
1. Cover your table with old news papers to protect the surface of your table. Put on latex gloves. Pour small amount (1-2 table spoons) of bubble soap in small dishes. Add 4-6 drops of food coloring in each dish (one dish for one color). Mix the coloring with a straw. Have a separate straw for each color.

2. Dip a straw into the color soap and blow a soap-bubble on the white paper. Try to blow slow and "set" a bubble on the paper. The longer bubble stays the better "border" it will get.
Anya started with yellow color.

3. Place about 6-7 bubbles of one color and switch the color. Anya's next color was blue :)

4. Keep blowing bubbles and have fun!

5. You can  use only one color if you want (here, Anya mixed blue and green and got a nice teal blue tone)
 6. Let the papers dry. Iron if necessary. Print your text (or hand write).
7. Cut into the invitation cards.

P.S. We used the same method for making our own wrapping paper reusing old plan maps that my husband gave us.


  1. A very interesting idea! thank you for sharing!

  2. wow! this is SO COOL! we will definitely try this!

  3. Great idea! Will use for sure, thanks!

  4. Love the idea and such a great project to do with children. Great job!

  5. Wonderful! will make for my baby's birthday!

  6. It may sound silly, but this made me amused like a child receiving his first gift. The idea is really unique and creative. Having easy access to technology, I depend on digital printing most of the time. A DIY as innovative as this is very refreshing! Master Copy & Printing
