May 26, 2014

Washing Yellow Pillows into White Pillows

Do you have pillows that turn yellow in a year or so? One of the most common reasons why pillows can turn yellow is sweat. My husbands' pillows are more yellow (his hair is short and not so dense :), so all his sweat goes onto his pillow). Sweat can seep through the pillowcase fabric. As the sweat dries, it can leave a yellow stain on the pillow. Even if you use pillow covers underneath your pillowcases, the yellowing can still occur. I tried to wash the pillows with regular laundry detergent, but the result was not impressive.
Why not to throw away a bad pillow and buy a new one? I like really flat, (yes, flat-flat) pillows, and new ones are way big for me. I even travel with my pillow - hotel pillows are gigantic for me and I cannot sleep on them. 
So, I have to wash my favorite pillow., I found on Pinterest a good "recipe":
- Hot water
- 1 cup of laundry detergent
- 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent
- 1 cup bleach 

- 1/2 cup borax

Look at these BEFORE  and AFTER pictures! 
The pillow on the bottom was never washed before and it is at least 11 years old! 
  • Remove the pillow case and any pillow protector
  • Fill the washing machine about 1/3 full with hot water.
  • Add all the ingredients in , then start the machine and allow it to agitate for a few minutes to makes sure all the detergent dissolves before adding the pillows.
  • Once the detergent is dissolved, add the pillow(s), and then allow the washer to fill the rest of the way with HOT water. I washed two pillows at a time, which helped balance the load when it came time for the spin cycle.
  • Put your machine on the 2nd rinse cycle or just run it through twice manually.
  •  Place the pillow(s) in the dryer, add a couple of tennis balls covered in clean socks or a few Dryer Balls to help FLUFF the pillows as they tumble dry. I run the dryer twice . If it's sunny and hot outside- let the sun finish drying the pillows (it is hot in Arizona, +100F already)!

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