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October 10, 2011

DIY: Easy Buttons

Do you need sometimes nice buttons but cannot find what you need? I had this problem before, but now I make my own buttons with polymer clay.
Today, I want to share the easiest way how to make polymer clay buttons. 
All you need  are:
  • Polymer clay in wanted color
  • Pasta machine (or acrylic roller)
  • Old button as a stamp
  • Plastic wrap 
  • Cutter (for 1st method)
  • Tooth pick.
First Method
1. Condition Polymer clay until it’s soft and pliable. Roll it until it is 3mm thickю (my example of  polymer clay sheet is only for one button, but you make as big  as you need)

2. Pick a button with some lovely design. If you are making only one button like me, your polymer clay has to be larger than wanted button and cutter.

3. Press the button face down into polymer clay. You may want to sprinkle a button with water before stamping.
4. remove the button. You have a nice stamp!

5. Cover the polymer clay sheet with plastic wrap. Place a cutter in the center(!) of your new button, press and twist slightly the cutter.

6. remove plastic wrap and using a tooth pick make holes. Use the marks from the old button.

7. Bake the buttons according to the polymer clay instruction.

Second Method (without cutter)
1. Condition Polymer clay until it’s soft and pliable. Make a ball (size of the ball depends on the future button size).

2. Press the ball with acrylic (or glass) sheet. , so it is flat and 3mm thick.

3. Press the button face down into polymer clay. You may want to sprinkle a button with water before stamping.

4.Remove the "old" button . Make holes with a tooth pick.

5. Bake the buttons according to the polymer clay instruction.

Enjoy your new buttons!


  1. Great tutorial! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Such a great DIY tutorial! Thank you for sharing it with us :)

  3. Wow! Thank you very much for such interesting lesson!

  4. Albina, a mozhno popodrobnee kak zapekat'(vash opit), ya skolko ne probovala zapekat' dochini tvoreniya oni gde soedinyautsa s plitkoi/fol'goi cheneut ili goryat, cvet nekrasivii vixodit i eto vidno, pozhaluista.
    spasibo za pugovichki

  5. Natalia, следуйте инструкции на упаковке глины, не превышайте тем-ый режим

  6. Great tutorial, now button making seems to be so easy :) I will try to make some soon - thank you for this tutorial!

  7. I like this idea so much!
    Thank you!

  8. So easy and cool! Thank you for sharing!

  9. That is such a fantastic idea!

  10. É simplesmente uma verdadeira arte de encher os olhos obrigada por nós proporcionar essa maravilha.
